Mainly about my ordeal with becoming disabled, but with many of my opinions, experiences, and views. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia, Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome, Psoritric Arthritis, and chronic frequent migraines.


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Fibromyalgia update

Hey all,
I will be loosing my health insurance at the end of July. I am going to try to get on Medicaid. I sure hope I can. I can't imagine not having pain medication. Life is so hard now, without that, I might as well forget it. I miss living on my own so much. I never thought I would be in a situation like this. Major bummer. There are people who would love this life style, not to work, and have a place to live. But not me, I want to be on my own and have a good job. I feel like a trapped animal. It just really sucks. OK, tata for now.


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