Is anyone else with Fibro and chronic fatigue reading this post. It is so disheartening to see my country give billions of dollars away to other countries when we have so many people here who need help and can't obtain it. Social Security is in trouble they say, well for Gods sakes stop sending all our money over seas.Please take care of your own Uncle Sam. People are loosing their homes, their insurance, their medication, their spouces due to the stress of it all. People whom are unemployed have stopped looking, their benifits ran out, and they fall off the list, and then are not counted as unemployed. The numbers are higher then what is being reported. I like Bush as a President, he is no worse then any other where these issues are concerned. I just do not understand how our government can turn their heads on their own people. Isn't that what we punish other countries for doing, and the government does it here. People are dying from lack of insurance, money etc...It just does not make sense. I have always been a very independent person, never needed anyone's help. I always took care of my self, and I helped many people along the way, also did volunteer work for different charities. And now I have to grovel and ask for help and it isn't there. And in order to ever try to get it, it is a process that takes years. The government would prefer we die off then cause them any hassles. Many are dieing off, and answering the governments prayers. What kind of a country is it that turns its back on its own people who need help, through no fault of their own. I didn't misbehave, I didn't commit a crime, I didn't do anything wrong except try to make it in this world, and just by being a hard working, taxpaying, american. What has it gotton me, No helps from anyone. My own disability insurance from my company that I paid for, denied me, even after my Doctor wrote 3 different letters. What more for Gods sake do you want, me in a body bag !!!!
It is just so so so so , stupid........inconceivable...............heartless,,,,,,,,,,,,,cruel.............blind....................Please open your eyes to us down here in the back yard suffering, needing your help. It wouldn't take all that much effort to help us and it would be a drop in the bucket compared to what we send over to the other nations.
Think of how much more productive we could be to society if we got the help we needed to try to get our lives back together.
OK, I am done with my ramblings for now, But they are the TRUTH !!!
Just Me....
Is anyone else with Fibro and chronic fatigue reading this post. It is so disheartening to see my country give billions of dollars away to other countries when we have so many people here who need help and can't obtain it. Social Security is in trouble they say, well for Gods sakes stop sending all our money over seas.Please take care of your own Uncle Sam. People are loosing their homes, their insurance, their medication, their spouces due to the stress of it all. People whom are unemployed have stopped looking, their benifits ran out, and they fall off the list, and then are not counted as unemployed. The numbers are higher then what is being reported. I like Bush as a President, he is no worse then any other where these issues are concerned. I just do not understand how our government can turn their heads on their own people. Isn't that what we punish other countries for doing, and the government does it here. People are dying from lack of insurance, money etc...It just does not make sense. I have always been a very independent person, never needed anyone's help. I always took care of my self, and I helped many people along the way, also did volunteer work for different charities. And now I have to grovel and ask for help and it isn't there. And in order to ever try to get it, it is a process that takes years. The government would prefer we die off then cause them any hassles. Many are dieing off, and answering the governments prayers. What kind of a country is it that turns its back on its own people who need help, through no fault of their own. I didn't misbehave, I didn't commit a crime, I didn't do anything wrong except try to make it in this world, and just by being a hard working, taxpaying, american. What has it gotton me, No helps from anyone. My own disability insurance from my company that I paid for, denied me, even after my Doctor wrote 3 different letters. What more for Gods sake do you want, me in a body bag !!!!
It is just so so so so , stupid........inconceivable...............heartless,,,,,,,,,,,,,cruel.............blind....................Please open your eyes to us down here in the back yard suffering, needing your help. It wouldn't take all that much effort to help us and it would be a drop in the bucket compared to what we send over to the other nations.
Think of how much more productive we could be to society if we got the help we needed to try to get our lives back together.
OK, I am done with my ramblings for now, But they are the TRUTH !!!
Just Me....
At 11:31 AM,
wildblue01 said…
You are welcome. I just wish more people that could help would see it. Oh well, Thanks for your reply !!!!
Hang in there, Hope is still alive, just barly though....
Juat Me....
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