Mainly about my ordeal with becoming disabled, but with many of my opinions, experiences, and views. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia, Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome, Psoritric Arthritis, and chronic frequent migraines.


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

United Nations for Food Program

We have this organization that is supposed to be the protectors of peace, a source for help in the way of food and other supplies for the United Nations. It is pretty scary, that no matter what they do, they have to be corrupt about it. Steel the money, rape the women and children. And some still have to ask, Do we really need this organization?
It seems all that can do is hurt other people. Maybe we should consider Pres. Clinton for the job. At least he keeps his mistakes under his desk. We need to have a way to totally overhaul this whole organization. I am just waiting to hear of the next big screw up that have made.


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