Hi, I am on my last appeal for Social Security. Been waiting months to get an answer. I have asked Senator Byrd, and Congresswoman Caputo to monitor it. They have made requests to the SS department, but still no word. I doubt I will get an approval. I live with my Mom and her gentleman friend, both 80 years old. I do my best to help them out, but my energy is so low. I am in Physical therapy because a doghouse in wal mart fell on top of me, and I won't get nothing for that, just more pain and suffering. Why it fell on me and not some body else, I have enough pain as it is. And then trying to get pain med from the Doctors was rediculous. They are so afraid everyone who comes in their office is an addict. Unbelievable. And Medicaid now wants one Doctor to wrote all your pain medications, so one Doc can be treating you for Migraines, and another for arthritis, but they want one to write all the pain med, even though they aren't treatring you for that illness. Very stupid policy, you think the Doctors are gonns love this one,and I have asked Congresswoman Caputo to help me with it. I was denied pain med from my Arthritis Doc, cause my primary care had written one for my Fibro. What a bunch of crap. Oh this world is such a pain, so much red tape, and I haven't the energy to deal with it.
Oh me,
Just Me
Oh me,
Just Me
At 2:29 PM,
Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said…
Just browsing the internet, Interesting website.
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