Hi, Is anyone reading this blog?
How do I get more exposure, I am new at this. Just comment if you can read me. Just say "I can, and any advice you may have".
Thanks you so much for dropping in.........
How do I get more exposure, I am new at this. Just comment if you can read me. Just say "I can, and any advice you may have".
Thanks you so much for dropping in.........
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello! I have been enjoying reading your "blogs" especially the story about your bird ;>). How lucky to have found such a great pal! I am a 58 yr old female and I also have fibro, among other things. I had (have?) a disease called avascular necrosis that killed both femur heads so I had to have both hips replaced in 96/97.Now I waddle like a duck!! I have gained 80 lbs through all this cause it hurts so bad to be active, so I spend most of my time at the computer. I sell on Ebay and have a ball doing it, but it's not enough to make a living....yet.
I applied for SS after my first hip replacement and to my surprise they awarded me full disability!!I got diagnosed with fibro and some other unknown autoimmume disease, like Lupus...AFTER I got SS so I don't have to worry about them kicking me off. I hope you win your case.
I visit Clouds regularly, but don't post, just read, then I feel better knowing I am not alone...there are some very loving people there!
I am married to the most wonderful man in the world and he married me AFTER my health started going to blazes...we have been married since 1998...met in 1993....so he is a keeper. I strongly believe there is someone for everyone...thank you Jesus!!
Keep bloggin! Elaine
At 5:23 PM,
wildblue01 said…
Hi there Elaine:
Thanks for replying to my blog. It sounds like you have been there and back. I am sorry to hear of all that you have gone through. I am extremely pleased that you found someone special to share your life with. I don't even date anymore. I wish now I has married a long time ago. I am married to my bird, haha. he gives me much joy. Such a character.
My brother had a knee replacement, but I would think the hip is alot more major. It supports all of our weight. And yes, boy am I over weight. I am about 55 pounds over what I should be. I try to exercise, but it is so hard with the Fibro. I took a shower today, and had to rest for 2-3 hours after. It wore me out.
Clouds is a great place.
I am not very confident that I will win my case. Fibro is such a new thing, and many persons don't win. I pray I do. Well, thanks again for writing, and I pray your life is filled with joy and love,
Just Me
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOW! That was quick! Thanks for replying!
One major thing to getting disability is to mention DEPRESSION...even if you don't get that way yet...you probably will at some time during this devastating illness....SS feels depressed people don't belong in the workplace ...might be unstable enough to grab a gun and mow down their co workers... YIKES!! God forbid! Also if you have ANY other ailments like arthur, or asthma or migraines or IBS...write it all down on the application, and confirm that you feel you cannot be a reliable, productive employee for anyone,in any occupation. Don't just use the FMS....though it is the most disabling...lay it all on heavy, but honestly. Good luck in your quest....my prayers are with you.
You can email me at dfunke@comcast.net if you just need a shoulder...if your bird doesn't get there first LOL!Elaine
At 6:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
To get more exposure for your blog, find one that consistently has a lot of comments and post a message there (related to the post) and ensure that a link to your blog is displayed at the bottom of your message. People will click through to it.
Also, make sure your blog is interesting and makes people want to come back to it.
At 7:37 PM,
wildblue01 said…
Hi Elaine,
This hasn't been a really bad day, so I am online more. Many days I don't have the energy to even type.The worst part is not having an income. At least if you have an income you can be somewhat independent, but without it, you really can't. You are at the mercey of what ever help you can get. Beggers can't be choosers as the old saying goes.
Thanks for the replys. I have IBS, and I get the migraines. I just got Maxalt for the migraines. I have tried it once and it seemed to help with the pain, but not the nausea. I seem to have Chronic fatique also as some days I can't even get out of bed. It's like my muscles have no energy.
The last time I talked to Allsup which is handling my disability I told them I feel like there isn't much point in living anymore. I said and meant it, that many days I feel like what's the use, I can't do anything. So the depression has definitly set in. I try very hard to fight it, but some days it comes anyway.
Thanks for sending me your email, I will keep in touch with you. Nice to have someone else who understands. To be honest until I got Fibro., I would not have understood, and I am sure most people are that way. It is just hard to comprehend an illness that does this to us.
Talk to you soon,
Just Me....
At 7:41 PM,
wildblue01 said…
Hi anonymous:
Thanks for the advice. Are you saying to find a blog that gets alot of comments and to put my comment there, and then to put my blog site address at the end of my comments?
That sounds like a good idea. Will it offend the other blogger?
I hope not, I don't mind them doing it here, but I haven't alot of traffic, at least not yet. I hope to add more topics.
Thanks again.
Just me....
At 7:44 PM,
wildblue01 said…
Hi everyone:
Click on Elaine's name and you can see her ebay auctions. I do ebay here and there, but I don't seem to do as well as I used to. Maybe there are so many bidders. I don't have the energy to do much anymore. Now and then I do. I wish I knew what to sell, and where to get it. I need the income really bad, haha...bye bye...My ebay ID is yonder01 if you want to search for my auctions.
Just Me
At 9:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey again! Thanks for the promo! I have just visited your auctions (I hope it was you!)and bid on a shirt I like...we even wear the same size!!
Sorry to hear you have already hit the depression level. Don't let any Dr tell you depression causes Fibro....exactly the opposite!! FM definately causes depression cause you can't do the things you used to, and nobody can see why cause you "look so normal".... sigh!If gaining tens of pounds of extra weight and moving like a turtle are normal, then I want to be abnormal!! Good luck on your Ebay!
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
i think your blog is really boring.
At 3:06 PM,
wildblue01 said…
Thanks for your comment. What do you think would make it more interesting?
Just Me.
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