Mainly about my ordeal with becoming disabled, but with many of my opinions, experiences, and views. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia, Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome, Psoritric Arthritis, and chronic frequent migraines.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Colonoscopy fun

That day:
This was about 3 years ago:

Thursday was prep day. I can not believe that in this day and age they can not come up with a friendly prep for having a colonoscopy. That is the most digesting stuff I have ever had to take. It takes like oily, salty, alka selzer. The first dose, I got down barley, and felt kinda sick etc..and did my thing for while. OK, time for dose 2, Oh my God, it took every fiber of my being not to throw that crap up. I stayed very sick for 2 hours, and at that point I know there would be no number 3, HA!!
I talked to a lady in a doctors office who had just happened to be calling me, and she said, you don't need that 3rd one and I said good, cause I can't do it anyway. Pure hell, what year is this??? We are curing cancers and all this great stuff, but do you think they could perhaps make an easier way to clear out the colon, Good Grief....
Anyway, Had it done today, went well, had some bad pain after, got some pain med, and now just some cramping here and there. It was one hell of a 2 days....
Just Me.....



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