Religion, the hot topic
I just can't understand why anyone would kill another human being over what religion they believed in. There are so many, and plenty of room on this earth for all of them. What does anyone care what mine or anyone else's religion is. If stranded on a desert island, with another who has a religion you don't believe in, would you not take the help they offered to you. Would you not accept them as your only companion, possibly for years. If a terrorist was there, would he spend his nights trying to figure out how to kill the only other person they could relate to on any level. Make them self totally alone.
We live on a huge islands, many islands. Every piece of land is an island.
We are raised on someone else's beliefs. We are taught what we should think at a very early age. No matter what a person is taught, or how they are brought up, they can see, that in any society it is wrong to kill another. It is wrong to hurt another, unless they are being punished for what they have already done.
I have an Aunt who is now deceased. Her son died of Aids. Before he died, she asked him, if there is anyway you can come back and tell me you are OK, please do it. He assued her he would. At the times of his death, I was walking with my headphones(this is before the Fibromyalgia, now I can't), and I was taken up into the teee tops. I could see my body down on the ground still walking along. Really a weird feeling. In the tree tops, the light, bright light, so bright it should have blinded me, but it didn't, flowed through the trees, through the bark, and streamed all around, encasing me. Her son was ok, he was in the best of hands. I was transmitted this info. Not by speech, just the feeling. I felt a feeling so wonderful, it couldn't match anything on this earth. Such contentment, such a free, wonderful feeling. At that point I also felt that what your religion is doesn't matter, we are all under one being, or whatever you want to call it. All this killing, and fighting over what we believe in doesn't matter up there. We are wasting our time on it. Wasting human life.
Maybe I am wrong, I may not have it right, but that is what I felt, and unity is what I believe. Total unity.
When I returned to my body, I felt very grounded, very heavy. I had hurt my ankle and didn't know it till I got back into my body. I had crossed the street, did I look before I went, I have no idea. But I did report to my Aunt how her son was doing. She was so happy to here it. For several days after, I wanted to return to that light, it was such a great place. I finally got past that feeling . I finally felt totally grounded, back on earth. Very strange.
Just Me.
At 8:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh! This is such an awesome story, cause I have had a similar experience, only it was me who was gonna die....when I fell in a 30 ft well with 26 ft of water in it, where no one knew I was!! Beautiful experience....I surrendered to "The One" And found myself rolling out on the solid ground above....totally unharmed after 2 hours....yes I saw the light and felt its peace...I can't wait!!! But I will of course....that was 14 years ago and I still get goosebumps every time I tell it...I was given the same message as ONE religion is totally correct, a truth from all is needed to get the whole picture. Thanks for reminding me!! Best wishes, Elaine
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yes it was cold!! I was inside a 7 ft enclosed well house...the wooden floor that covered the 5ft square hand dug well was rotten and when I stepped on it it crumbled, plunging me deep into the water! I splashed around in there screaming and hollering till I was literally blue in the face, but no one could hear me...I finally started praying and asked God to forgive me my sins, and this beautiful peace came over me. I "felt" him say "Do not fear for you are my child and I Love you"
I told Him I accepted my fate to die and be with him, but what about my 2 daughters??? One was grown and married, but we worked at the same place....she didn't even know I had left work early to ride my horse that day. My younger daughter was still in high school and depended on me for support...we lived together...their dad and I were divorced and he lived in California. I pleaded that they needed me, and promised if He let me live I would tell everyone about His wonderous miracle of Love.
I was holding onto the hose that fell into the water with me, I tried to pull myself up with it, but it broke...ker splash!!Then I surrendered to face death. Unbelievably, slowly, a board from the rotted floor that had NOT been long enough to fit from one side of the well to the other, gently fixed itself so it was IMBEDDED in each side of the well, strong enough for me to sit on and rest...200 plus pounds!!! Miracle in itself!! then I said "If it be your will Lord I'm gonna try to stand on this board to see if I can reach the top" my utter disbelief the next thing I knew I was rolling onto the solid floor of the pump house, praising Him over and over! Oh, here come the goosebumps again! As I staggered up the hill toward my car shouting praises,and thanks to Him , the brightest, warmest, most comforting light came from the sky to surround me and all sorts of "wisdom" was imparted to me like downloading to a computer and that's where I got the knowledge that no ONE church is the end all, be all authority...we need excerpts from all of them, and I suppose each one of has to decide when we get those right...
I went to 3 different churches after that to tell my story, but found organised religion to be too judgemental and full of rules and regulations!! Some looked at me like I was a nut!! So my wonderful hubby and I worship Him together in our own home and heart (where two or more are gathered in my name, there shall I be also) ,and whenever we can stay up late on Sun evening we watch Joel Osteen , from Lakewood Church, on TV. He always seems to give a talk on a subject one(or both) of us needs work on at the time ;>)
Look at me !!! I wrote a book...never meant to, but it always seems the spirit takes over when I tell this and HE wants every detail to come out....exhausts me!!
You may share this with anyone you want...that was all I needed to do to show my gratitude for the miracle...tell people that He does listen and answer!! Blessings to you and yours. Elaine
At 7:57 PM,
wildblue01 said…
Wow Elaine!,
That is truly an amzing story, and I am so glad that you got out of that well. I would have been so scared. It sounds like he was there for you when you needed him, and so you could be with your daughter. When these things happen its like you know people will think your crazy when you try to tell them. But you know the truth. I am so please that you found a very wonderful man to share your faith, and your life with. Does he have a brother, just kidding, Take care,
Just Me....
At 10:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your kindness...believe me a LOT of girls have asked me that same question, and I truly wish I could clone him for some deserving women ...but I ain't sharing the real one :>) He does have 3 brothers, all married, that are just as great as he is...but I went through a lot of lemons to get this precious glass of sparkling lemonade!! I will pray you are sent one just like him.
By the way I tried to email you but it bounced back saying your mailbox is full. Ta Ta, Elaine
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