Mainly about my ordeal with becoming disabled, but with many of my opinions, experiences, and views. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia, Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome, Psoritric Arthritis, and chronic frequent migraines.


Monday, August 24, 2009

No cost of living increase for Social Security this year

If that is what they are doing, then I think that the Congress and Senate should not get one either. They are the ones, and the President, who filled the Social Security account with a bunch of IOU's. Maybe they need to pay that account back !!!
Just me...

Sunday, August 09, 2009


We are just starting to get over a very nasty flu, who else has been sick. I am trying to figure if this is for 2009, or for 2010. it is so late to get a flu , it is time for the next flu shot, Mmmmmm...
Just me....