Mainly about my ordeal with becoming disabled, but with many of my opinions, experiences, and views. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia, Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome, Psoritric Arthritis, and chronic frequent migraines.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Senegal Parrot

I just want to add here that Senegals are known for a game they play. I call it scratch and play. They tilt their neck for scratchers and then try to catch your finger. Mine plays it at times, and it is so funny. You have to be on gaurd for this game. Sometimes I can tell when she is going to do it from the look in her eyes, feisty look. other times I can't but I am always aware and try to be faster then her. lol
That being said the other thing is that my Seny is very teritoral of her cage and I am very careful not to put my hand into her cage unless I know it is ok. Treats are ok to come in, lol
but if I reach into her cage to pet her, I know I may get bit. Once she is out that goes away, but she is nippy now due to hormones. Try to have things ready for that beak, balsa wood, and rice cakes with no salt are fun for them to chew on instead of fingers. This time of year she can become almost un-handleable, due to hormones for Spring. If the bird is acting out and you want to keep your finges , let ithem perch for awhile and leave them alone. Mine has a perch on top of her cage and she will sit up there and preen.
My views.......

My Senegal Parrot

Re: Senegal Parrot Biting and Aggression Issues

Hi, one of the reasons that the Senegal bites when it is on the floor is because it feels vulnerable, mine won't even go onto the floor, it scares her to much. Preditors will get them if they are down low, and it is instinct for them to be up high. Widdle likes the highest spot in the room and the highest shoulder to be on.
just Me

My Senegal Parrot

Hi, I have a Seny and it can get very agressive when playing, especially games like catch the finger and so on. She can be very nippy especially now when the hormones are starting up for Spring. It is important to have something in your hand that you can put into her beak, mine loves balsa wood. Other woods are to hard for her. And she loves to chew rice cakes make with no salt. Just a couple ideas. I enjoy playing with her, and I know when I do I will have a couple holes after, but it is fun and gives her this outlet that she enjoys. Playtime can be serious for animals that are preyed on. It is also a teaching time. They learn to defend themselves. If you have ever watched cats play you see what I mean. These are wild animals no matter how you look at it. And they have those instincts still in them. To protect themselves and defend thenselves. A parrot will bite the person it is on if it is trying to get that person to flee, as it feels danger and wants to protect its loved one. If my nephew comes to close, my bird will bite me. We think it is strange behavior, but the bird thinks it is protecting you by telling you to flee the danger, like a beaver tail slap.
love my birdie,
Just Me.......

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pernacious Anemia Society

Hi, Just wanted to let folks(the few that read this blog) know that this is there, I had no idea. The web site is really good. If you have this anemia, you will enjoy this Society.
Just Me....

Health care reform

Hi, I said it before and I want to say it again. Health care does not need Obama doing anything to it except expanding/encouraging the private sector in helping with those who don't have the money for insurance. There are free clinics all over and they are funded privately or through Gov. grants. If the Gov. gave big companies tax credits/other incentives towards contributions to these clinics and also to contributions to Hospitals who care for those who can't pay. Tim, when he had his motorcycle accident, the person who hit him had no insurance coverage at all, good ole florida for you. His whole bill was covered by the Hospital which was funding through the private sector. His bill for the Helicoptor ride alone was over 30,000.00 dollars. Thirty thousand !!. He was on life suppoert for several days, and the bill was really high, He never had to pay a cent. That is an example of what privately funded medical care is, and does. This needs to be expanded on instead of costing other who have insurance to pay higher premiums for there coverage, and making cute to Medicare etc...STOP Obama !!!
Just Me.......

visit with the surgeon

Well, not much to do. The sinus surgeon didn't have a whole lot to offer in the way of remedies. Got the anti biotic you use in your nose, not orally. It is a real hassle to use it. It is a liquid and have to mix it with some saline and spray it inot the nose. The bulb they gave me doesn't really spray well. it gushes it into my nose. ugh !!
And when it is low you have to turn it up and get the rest out with your head back. not very good. Supposed to do this 2 times a day, 30 cc per side. I am trying to do it, but my head feel full of water. Don't know about using this stuff. Need to get a bottle that sprays a mist up in my nose. In the mean time I am fighting infection, just a constant battle. The irragation thing like a water pick I try and use aften, but it is the same, much drainage after and feels like my brain is full of water. Takes forever to drain all out.
I did get the perscription to get the genetic testing done for Cystic Fibrosis, think I have the recessive gene, or one gene from mom's side of the family. At a reunion there was talk of a couple folks in the family as having it. Mom and a few of her siblings have strong symptoms, as I do also. I thought several years ago I had the symptoms of it, and did some research and feel sure that gene is in me somewhere. There was research saying you could have the one gene and show symptoms. Plus I was born with no forehead sinus's, a hallmark of Cysric Fibrosis. When I get the energy will get that test done. I am very frustrated with my sinus as this will be a constant issue for the rest of my life, made worse by the surgery. The fron of the right side where the stictches are just keeps bleeding after I blow the scab off over and over again, don't think it will wver heal. Been 5 months now.


I fell the other morning walking the dog, I will be so glad when my sister gets him. I am tired of walking him everyday. The yard os covered in snow, so having a fenced in yard does not help whennit is covered in snow. So noe I know why they call it Asphalt.

Mom's big adventure

Watching Mom has been a full tome job.
She was up all night the other night, part of the progression of the illness.I went to the bathroom around 2;30 am and there she was doing stuff with papers etc..I was like, Mom, you need to get to bed..she said, well I just want to get this stuff done. I threw up my hands and went to bed. Next day she was exhausted as I knew she would be, she had some neck pain and gave her her pain med, she went to sleep, and roused a bit in the evening, and laid back down, never really getting out of bed, and she slept through till morning. Which was good, she needed the rest.
Then this morning I was coming out to walk the dog. I don’t get up real early so he has to wait on me….he gets walked before I go to bed. Mom had him on the leash, and I told her, wait one minute Mom, I need to go to the bathroom and then I will walk him. I came out and she was nowhere to be found. I looked outside up and down the street, downstairs, all the rooms, and finally went and looked out the back windows and saw her in the yard of a neighbors house in lying in the snow by a tree. I called to her and she answered, I asked if she was alright and she said she could not get up. So I told her I would be there in a minute. I ran and got my boots on as where she was the snow was about a foot deep. I finally trudged to her, she had the dog , and I tried to get her up. I didn’t have the strength.Bill had come behind me and I went to help him as he had fallen in the snow already, so I went and got him to mom, he was able to get her up after I got her knees on my coat. She was shaking more out of fear then anything. Her knees and feet were numb, and we had a tough time getting her out of that yard, finally got her to the street and then I asked Bill if he could go and get the van. So he did, got her in the van and back to the house. Had to stay in the van as she was trembling and her knees were weak went ahead and finished walking the dog, and then put the dog inside and came out and Bill and I got her inside, sat her down, and got her some hot tea and food. Whew I am so tired from all that trudging in the snow, and off they went to go eat, lol…

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hi, just popping in

Hi, I have no idea why I said Hi Mack, I don't even know a Mack. must have been a typo.
I am reading the new Diana Gabaldon book, An Echo In The Bone. She has another hit, it just came out in 2010, and so far my fellow readers are my sister,(who bought it) and 2 neices, a couple friends of my sisters. we are hooked, and knowing we have to wait another 2-3 years for the next one is torture. Diana , start right away, please !!
If you haven't read this series it is pretty good. I am about 2/3 of the way through the book of over 800 pages. I love a thick book. I can spend more time with my favorite characters.
ok, next...
I am really feeling my Psoriatic Arthritis this winter. It is really getting bad, I sure hope that the summer feels better, can't believe it. When my Rheumotologist first diagnosed me with this, I was sceptical to say the least. I figured it was all the Fibro. But I am a true believer now. It is very frustrating I can't take the ibuprofin meds for this, the anti inflamatories. I need to start on the Glucosomine, I just hate how big the pills are, they are all huge. I have a hard tome swallowing pills.
I have read more about the Preniciuos Anemoia also, and I have all the symptoms. I didn't know they had a Society. I just joined that. Amazing. I do the shots every month, but I think I need it more often, like every 2 weeks. What could it hurt, my body will just get rid of what I don't need. My red blood cells are to big from the anemia, thus causing more of the shortness of breath, and the fatigue. It would stand to reason if the red blood cells can't carry oxygen properly, you would be tired and short of beath.
My wonderful sinus surgery has turned out to be a nightmare. I just finished 4 months, yes, 4 months of anti biotics and the infection is back, after only 3-4 days. Unbelievable. I am worse now after the surgery. Where is the friggin gun, damn, this really sucks !!
I have read many message boards on this topic, chronic sinus problems, but I never see anyone with it, except Felix Unger on the Odd Couple, remember the humming, lol
well, I sympathize with anyone who has sinus problems. I got one of these sinus irragations systems, cost 100.00. You know I am desperate now, 100.00 !! it is like a water pic, but gentler. It does work but it takes a few hours for it to clear them and in that time there is a lot of drainage. ugh !!
I see the surgeon next Wed. but I am not sure she can do anything more. I first thought I would never go through that surgery again, it was pretty rough. Thank God for pain meds. But now, if it would help this situation, I guess I would do it again. I can't imagine it would be as bad. She already broke the bone and reset it in 3 places, did the stitches, scaped everything out-bad tissue. I still have bleeding from it. So I can't imagine there is much left except this one thing. I had the cat scan done and it showed Acute sinisitis, or how ever you spell that. So, what do I do now ????
I am still dealing with the Fibro, CFS,and so on.
I live with my mom and her gentleman friend, and she is losing her memory, it is pretty bad now, and he had major surgery a few months ago. He had to go to the ER like every week. I did not think I was going to survive that time. I was so exhausted, trying to keep up with everything.
At times I think my old life could not exit, being how I am now. All the dancing,almost every night, for hours on end, with out breaks. Ice skating, walking 12 miles a week. Who was this person. How could my life change so much. And I hate what I am now- so much. I want my life back , and I want my time back. Not going to happen I know, but I can still say it.
I am watching my sister's dog, she went to Vietnam for 2 weeks. And in this 2 weeks we get more snow than I have seen here in the 6-7 years I have lived here. I am telling her no more winter dog watching. She retires in a few months. I imagine she will be out here more often, but I know she wants to travel too. I loved to travel, but I can't now. I feel like I am letting her down as she wants me to go with her. I would only be a problem to her, to many health issues.
My Parrot is sceaaming for her dinner so I will close now, try to be back more often, for my own mind, as I know hardly anyone reads this. That is ok, it is an outlet for me, see ya,
my views,just me.....