Mainly about my ordeal with becoming disabled, but with many of my opinions, experiences, and views. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia, Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome, Psoritric Arthritis, and chronic frequent migraines.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

I'll be back soon,

I am just having much pain right now, so I will be back soon with the story of Tim, very interesting one to come,
Just Me....


the last word below is world, in case you weren't sure...
Just Me.....

Help in starting a journal/blog

The Journey suggests some basic topics that will get you started.
Who am I? How do I know who I am?
What does it mean to be content?
Do I listen more or talk more? Why?
What does it mean to nurture myself?
Am I comfortable with my feelings? What makes me cry or laugh? When am I comfortable expressing my feelings?
How much of my time is spent with other people and how much am I alone?
Why do bad things happen? Who is responsible when something bad happens to me?
How do I handle stress? Do I welcome challenges?
What is my unique gift to the wor

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

How bout an update and a story about Tim

Hey there, I went to the Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor, and he is going to do the surgery for me, so maybe soon I won't sound like a fog horn all day. He said I have a deveated septum, which is basically crooked, and one of the bones is to large and will be shaved down a tad. I am not looking forward to a surgery, but I am looking forward to not having chronic sinus problems, everyday, 365, 24/7, hopefully it works. He also had me do a Barium Swallow test, very easy to do, just swallow this funky chalky stuff and they watch on a screen as it goes down. I do not have GERD, which I didn't think I did, but Doc said that people with chronic sinus troubles frequently have it. So my surgery date should be around Thanksgiving. Maybe I won't eat much, that could be good.!!!
I have to go back to the orthopedic Doc about my knees, he gave me this little strap like thing to wear around my leg just below the petella, and it is supposed to help allign the petella. But it bothered the muscles in the back of my calf to much, so it wasn't worn. I think the next step is the MRI to see if there is any cartilage damage since it is all crunchy inside my knee. X-rays didn't show much, so the MRI most likely next. Bad knees run in my family. My one brother had a replacement done, and my other brother needs one done.I sure hope mine doesn't come to that. UGH !!!
I finally was able to obtain my Ambien for sleep through Medicaid after trying 2 other meds first. So I am very glad about that. I hate to mess with meds when you know they are working for you.
With the weather becoming colder and rainy I am having more bad days. Winter is like that, In the winter I get hardly any good, or even ok days. I started back to pool walking, and in the process, over did it, and I have spent the last week recovering from injuring my hip. Hurt to walk, it seems better so I want to go back, but need to make sure I go slow, and stop when I need to. Just Damn frustrating when I know I should be able to do more, but can't. Can't believe what I used to be able to do, such a difference. Anyhow, just stopping in to give an update, my next article will be about Tim, whom was my boyfriend in Florida, and his motorcycle accident. Fun, fun, till then,
If you have Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic fatigue, hang in there, would love to hear from some of the guys with it, I know you have to hide it, cause you want to be macho, and not be embarressed, but you won't be here,
Take care
Just Me....

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hello Dee, (Fibromyalgia and Me)

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I haven’t tried the Klonopin for sleep though it would probably help. I finally got approved for the Ambien, I am so relieved. I have only been taking the Klonopin for the headaches, and it does help a little, for a couple hours or so. I never had to much luck with the anti inflammatories, plus they tear up my stomach. I tried Vioxx, celebrex, and recently Mobic, and of course the Advil and Motrin. The ultram has been the only medication to help with my pain so far, and at times the Vicodin when it is really bad. But the Doctors I go to don’t want to prescribe that, I think they are afraid they will loose their license. It would be nice to be trusted, after all I only get it once every 6 months or so. Anyway, I am just glad I can get the ultram.
I also have the restless leg thing, have had it all my life, I rock my legs till I fall asleep. My Dad used to put his hand on my knee in church to stop it from going up and down.
I also went through the denial of having it. It took me about a year to 1-½ years to accept it, and to accept my limitations. I miss dancing, ice-skating, and walking/hiking est…. went through a mourning process saying goodbye to my loved hobbies, and activities.
I just started back to pool walking, and over did it yesterday. It hurts my hip to walk, and I feel like I hardly did anything, Geeezzz !
So I have to be more careful when I go.
I don’t have to much trouble with memory on the ambient other than sometimes forgetting the last chapter I read in a book, but when I go back and read it, it is like, Oh yeah, I remember now. So I am glad I don’t have that.
I will remember about getting the 3 month supply, I may need that in the future.
Mediciad cut way back on the allowable medications, Sept. 22, they posted the new list and it is very limited. They are trying to save money, and one of the pharmaceutical companies filed suit against them, but I don’t know of an outcome yet.
Once again, thanks so much for stopping in and keep in touchJust Me….

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Advertising on my blog

I have been removing comments from one person who keeps sending comments as advertising for his web sites, I don't mind one or two, but this continues, 2-3 times a week, so if you see comments removed that is why,
Thanks for coming by,
Just Me...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Fibromyalgia and Me

Since I was last on, I lost my health insurance through Kaiser, but I was approved for Medicaid for the disabled. I am so glad that came through. Didn't know what I was going to do. The only problem is they are not authorizing my Ambien for aleep. They have a preferred drug list which in the last year has been cut drastically. I have to try Sonata first, and I have already tried it in the past and it didn't wotk. It is not prescribed for persons who wake up during the night, which I do. So even though it isn't even prescribed for my problem, I have to try it first. I dropped my script off at Wal-Mart 9 days ago, and they still didn't have it taken care of. I am def. going to go to another Pharmact after this. They never get them right. Sometimes they don't have enough meds on hand, or it isn't ready and it takes 2-3 trips to get it, not worth this gas money. So I am going elsewhere. So tonight I will be sleepless, tossing in my bed, UGH, I really hate that feeling.
My Mom and her gentleman friend are back to normal now, so that is a relief.
I enjoy a message board for Fibro very much, and go to it many times a month. I have started going to Doctors under the Medicaid, and hope to get my sinus surgery, carpel tunnel surgery, and back to pool walking. I got my knees checked and it seems to be an irritation behind the knee cap, so physical therapy is prescribed. I know that the extra weight I carry doesn't help, and the Doctor was glad I recognized that. He said that people much heavier than me swore it had no impact. Well, it would only make sense that the more weight you put on your joints, the more they will be stressed. He said I could take Nsaids, but they tear up my stomach so, I prefer ice, etc...
My new Doctor said he would not prescribe narcotics for chronic pain, I was like, " I didn't ask you for them!"..but it is because everyone thinks that's how addicts are created which is very far from the truth. It has been proven, that very few persons with chronic pain mis-use their medication. It really makes it hard for those who need it. He is keeping me on the Ultram which is fine, that's what I wanted. If he had said no to that, I would have left and found another Doctor. And in the future, if he won't I will go elsewhere. It is the only med I have found to help with my pain, others are different. Not all meds work for everyone. I also am going to a new Rheumotologist, so I am hoping they are familiar and a believer with Fibro.
I still have the headaches, but I found that Klonipin helps some with that , but not with the migraines. I am going to ask also about Botox injections for headaches, I have read where it has helped some.
Well, I guess those are the basics for now, be back soon,
Thanks for stopping by..
Just Me....