Mainly about my ordeal with becoming disabled, but with many of my opinions, experiences, and views. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia, Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome, Psoritric Arthritis, and chronic frequent migraines.


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Hi Mack

I have never known anyone to have this procedure done. I am grateful that I had a very good surgeon, the surgery would have been bad no matter who did it, just glad it was done right the first time and won't have to go through it again, I hope anyway. Try searching the Yahoo groups, they have groups on just about everything.I am still getting crud out, she said it would take about 6 weeks to fully heal and I believe her, I am back on anti biotics starting today, but I think it is because I got so run down from taking care of mom and her gentleman friend, Bill. He went through the surgery very well, and will be able to come home from Morgantown in a couple weeks.Mom had her last IV putpstient treatment today, so that is done, I am wore out. Morgantown is about 3 hours from where we live. Anyway, back to the sinus thing. I had a hard time finding a good Doctor who would do it for me, this woman is so nice, she is in Winchester Va., Catherine Smith if anyone needs a good one in that area. Thanks for your comment Mack, always a pleasure to get comments back. At least I know I exist out there just a wee bit, lol...Just Me....