Hey there, I went to the Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor, and he is going to do the surgery for me, so maybe soon I won't sound like a fog horn all day. He said I have a deveated septum, which is basically crooked, and one of the bones is to large and will be shaved down a tad. I am not looking forward to a surgery, but I am looking forward to not having chronic sinus problems, everyday, 365, 24/7, etc...so hopefully it works. He also had me do a Barium Swallow test, very easy to do, just swallow this funky chalky stuff and they watch on a screen as it goes down. I do not have GERD, which I didn't think I did, but Doc said that people with chronic sinus troubles frequently have it. So my surgery date should be around Thanksgiving. Maybe I won't eat much, that could be good.!!!
I have to go back to the orthopedic Doc about my knees, he gave me this little strap like thing to wear around my leg just below the petella, and it is supposed to help allign the petella. But it bothered the muscles in the back of my calf to much, so it wasn't worn. I think the next step is the MRI to see if there is any cartilage damage since it is all crunchy inside my knee. X-rays didn't show much, so the MRI most likely next. Bad knees run in my family. My one brother had a replacement done, and my other brother needs one done.I sure hope mine doesn't come to that. UGH !!!
I finally was able to obtain my Ambien for sleep through Medicaid after trying 2 other meds first. So I am very glad about that. I hate to mess with meds when you know they are working for you.
With the weather becoming colder and rainy I am having more bad days. Winter is like that, In the winter I get hardly any good, or even ok days. I started back to pool walking, and in the process, over did it, and I have spent the last week recovering from injuring my hip. Hurt to walk, etc..now it seems better so I want to go back, but need to make sure I go slow, and stop when I need to. Just Damn frustrating when I know I should be able to do more, but can't. Can't believe what I used to be able to do, such a difference. Anyhow, just stopping in to give an update, my next article will be about Tim, whom was my boyfriend in Florida, and his motorcycle accident. Fun, fun, till then,
If you have Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic fatigue, hang in there, would love to hear from some of the guys with it, I know you have to hide it, cause you want to be macho, and not be embarressed, but you won't be here,
Take care
Just Me....